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Three treatments and Home – Finishing the Cycle at Clinic

Julia has completed two rounds of chemo (Friday and Saturday) and is scheduled for her third round today. Both mornings were met with nausea and vomiting. They gave Julia some Adavan through the day yesterday that helped to subside her vomiting. Her appetite came back later in the day and she was able to eat lunch (WonTon soup –a favorite) and a little dinner. There was an issue with Julia’s IV after the second round and they needed to start a new line for today’s treatment. She slept well through the night and woke up smiling (as usual). Once today’s treatment is done, we will be heading home. Julia can’t wait to get home. Julia will have her next two rounds at the King of Prussia clinic on Monday and Tuesday. This will finish the first cycle.


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Julia's Grace Foundation  |  PO Box 1081, Royersford, Pennsylvania 19468

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